Friday, May 11, 2012

Looster Booster Review


When my kids were little the biggest problem I had was potty training. I tried all the chairs pictured here trying to find the one that would work the best, I even tried the folding seat that I could conveniently take with me when we went places. However they  would often pinch the babies bottoms and make them scream. Some of the cute little chairs, ladders and stools were too complicated and frustrating to use.

So when I saw Looster Booster I could tell that it was a fantastic potty training tool. I knew that I wanted to review it and offer it to my readers. I love the design and the uncomplicated way it wraps around the toilet. Allowing the bigger people in the house the ability to use the
commode without the issues of removing huge contraptions like some of them can be. I love how you don't need a lot of bells and whistles to teach a child to use the toilet.

When you use the Looster Booster it gets little bodies to the seat. The width of the stair makes sure little ones don't slip. I know from experience how scary the toilet is to a small child. The best part to me is that the Looster Booster is solid and is not going to tip over with little feet on it. Should the child not make it to the potty and a mishap happen this stool is easily removable and totally cleanable. It gets straight thumbs up approval from this seasoned mom!

     Looster Booster retails for $34.99 and can be found at Toys R Us and Walmart as well as a number of other retailers for a complete list please check here!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Disclaimer: I did receive a Looster Booster for free so I could review it. Receiving this product for free in no way changed my opinion of it. I would never say I liked something I did not.