Friday, September 16, 2011

Kind Bars

I don't know how many of you actually received the KIND bar from the promotion a few months ago. It was geared expressly for those that serve or served in the military. My son received his and let me taste it. It reminded me of a bird suet bar in appearance, but it was quite tasty. My son also liked it but my husband said he didn't care for it too much. I have to tell you though that Rick likes his sweets the more chocolaty and unhealthy, the better so I was not surprised that he did not like this bar.

I looked at the ingredients of the one I tasted, it was actually a pretty healthy snack, no gluten or wheat. It is mostly raw nuts, dehydrated fruits and honey. This is a treat I can actually have on my diet, so I thought I should tell you about it.
KIND Healthy Grains, a delicious new line of snack clusters made from healthful whole grains and superfoods!/healthy-grains
I did not receive ANY compensation for this review, not even a free bar. This is based on my opinion alone.

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