Sunday, May 19, 2024

Story Time

This story starts like every other fairy tale that I have ever read,

Once Upon A Time,

There was a lady, a man and a boy. They lived happily enough but the lady wanted a little girl she wanted to give the child everything she had always wanted praise, joy and love. The lady had a hole in her life and felt that having a daughter would fill the darkness in her heart.

One day the lady's dreams were realized. The man and lady were able to bring home a beautiful baby girl. She was a fairy child full of whimsy and mischief. There was a light that danced in the little fairies eyes that made the man and lady float away. They delighted in the fairy child showering her with love and praise they always tried to keep her safe and content. They gave her treasure including all the things a little girl could want. The lady felt her life was complete.

However the lady and man didn't realize that there was an evil temptress present on the day of the little girls birth. The child had been born dead but a Wizard named Dr Lee was able to breath life back into the baby girl. The parents being grateful for the gift of life did not realize the Wizard had known about the Temptress and in fear of retribution did not warn the parents of a dark magic that may live in this child from that day on.

Later when the fairy child was about four years old a monster attacked the child and life changed for the little family. The light no longer played in the fairies eyes and fear lingered in the halls and corners of the home which now felt like a dungeon that they all were thrown into. The man and lady went to other Wizards hoping to get help in chasing the fear and darkness away. They hoped to restore the light back into the life of this child, yet they were not able to. So instead of healing her they showered her with love
and forgiveness. They picked the fairy up and tried to repair her life every time she fell. They did not realize that the love and attention they were showering on her was not the right kind and it was not fixing anything. The darkness grew in the child and the parents trembled in fear of where this darkness would lead the girl.

The family moved to a large and lonely island hoping to give their family a place of hope and comfort. The man and lady had more family but the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all stayed away. The darkness over the family was strong and powerful and no one wanted to be a part of their lives. The lady decided not to tell the girl and boy about the family because it made it easier to live without knowing they were there. But the fairy knew, she heard whispers between the lady and her husband, she heard about others out there somewhere. She blamed the lady for keeping her isolated and alone.

One day the child declared herself grown up, she moved far away, but she refused to take care of herself. She demanded that the family take care of her the way they had when she was young. The man and lady tried, until one day they could not any longer. They told her that she needed to find the light in her life and heal her own heart because they could not try any more. The young woman declared the lady a thief and blackmailer. She cast her out and said she no longer loved her and wanted her to die. The young woman
now expecting her own little fairy said they would never see the baby, but blamed the lady and said it was the lady who made this choice. The lady and man were very sad and told her they loved her anyway and forgave her for everything she was doing. They said they hoped that one day she would come back and they would welcome her if she did.

This is not a fairy tale with an ending, there is no good one, no bad one, no happily ever after one. It is one that goes on and on into the dark....