Wednesday, November 14, 2012

eBay Gift Guide, Making Your Holiday Shopping Easier!

If this holiday season came at you in a mad rush like mine has, you really need time savers to help you get it all together quickly. That's why I want to talk to you about eBay and all they do. You may have heard about eBay but may not know what you can do on this site. I have not only bought a plethora of things on eBay from personal items to car parts, I also sell on eBay! We even bought an RV on eBay. I shop on eBay all the time. I think I've told you before about some treasured family heirlooms I found. The potential is limitless.There's even an eBay Gift Guide to help you if you are at loss for ideas this Christmas. eBay offers a mobile application you can download on your smartphone, making it easy to shop anywhere you are. You can get it here. So Why not save time, money and gas by shopping on Ebay this year!

Here is my Gift List this year:
(shhh don't tell)

It doesn't matter what your budget is you can find something on eBay that will work for you. Many sellers even offer free shipping! You can find brand-new, never opened items, free shipping and items with buy it now option so there is no bidding and no chance of losing your item to someone else. You can look for specific features like color, location, brand and price (there is a tool bar on the left that is super easy to use). All you do is click what you are want and anything for sale that matches those requirements will pop up!

Some people are afraid of buying on eBay  I have bought and sold on eBay for over 15 years, in all that time I have only had 3 or 4 shaky transactions. With only one of them which did not get resolved (I didn't check the sellers status). Each seller is rated and it's important to pay attention to the ratings. You will see the rating next to the sellers name towards the top right, click on the % and you can see how many items they have sold and how many complaints they get. You want to find someone that has a lot of sales with few complaints. People that have issues will have a lot of complaints, don't get too excited about the sale and forget to check the sellers reputation. For Sellers that have great ratings eBay offers eBay Buyer Protection, look for it, if something goes wrong and that purchase is covered by buyer protection you will get your money including shipping back. It's really easy to have completely easy transactions. Paying is easy also, the safest and easiest way is PayPal, you can set it up to pay through your bank account or credit cards, the seller never gets access to your information!  eBay gives you all the tools you need to keep it happy and safe!

For more information or to keep up with any new features or events please follow eBay on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of eBay. I received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”