Monday, September 12, 2011


I have to say that the experience of getting this blog up and running in a way I would like has been interesting, exhilarating and often very frustrating. When you take on something as complicated as this, you find out how behind technology you really are and if not for youtube I would never have gotten this far. I am still lacking a few things I feel are essential for the blog . It is not as fine tuned as I would like.

It is getting better, I was ready to hang up the apron and put it all to bed, then it got a tad better.
A few more tweeks and it may be alright.

Thank you to anyone that is out there still reading my blog, it will get better as I figure it all out.

I found a new email server and I hope that it will do as it should so if you had signed up but did not receive any emails please sign up again with the new form. Thank you !

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